I was born as 翁偉峯 in a Taiwan Sugar plantation (斗六糖廠) in Yunlin (雲林) Taiwan, to 翁哲雄 and 王麗君. I grew up in the 70s and 80s in Peitou (北投) Taiwan.
I attended an all boys’ Chien Kuo High School (建中), where I played rugby for 2 years. After graduated the top high school in Taiwan, I studied Computer Science, a cutting edge field at that time, at National Taiwan University. After college, I served 2 years in Taiwanese military on Kinmen island (金門) as an army lieutenant (步兵少尉排長).
In 1992, I came to New York City to study Computer Science at Courant Institute of NYU. After that, I started working at one of the early top hedge funds called Paloma Partners in Greenwich, CT. After that, I also worked for Citadel in Chicago. In 1999, I started a fin tech company with a friend and worked on that for less than a year before joining my current company Polypaths.
I am raising 3 boys with my wife Elaine and they are my joy and pride, and my sunshine.